I feel like I’m sitting in the midst of chaos, but in reality, I’m sitting in the midst of organized chaos. My bags are almost packed and I’ve already received the notice from Delta Airlines prompting me to check-in online. I’m just about ready to go. I’m traveling with Gwen, who is one of the most amazing people I know, so I know that it’s going to be a good time. I am on my way to Bulgaria tomorrow and am excited about wrapping up a lot of the details for our mission-wide conference in October. I’m writing to ask you to pray for this time. Here are my requests…
1 – Safe travels for me and Gwen. I’d love to be able to sleep on the airplanes, too, and not have any motion sickness.
2 – That I would be an encouragement to our missionaries and interns in Bulgaria.
3 – That all of the details that need to be worked out get worked out smoothly without any bumps in the road.
4 – That I would rest knowing that God is carrying us in His perfect hands.
Thanks so much for praying…I look forward to sharing some great stories when I return.
God bless you,