Thursday, October 30, 2008


So, I've decided that sinus medication is designed to trick you into believing that you're getting better so you'll get up and go and then fall back into bed once you realize that you're not really better, you just thought you were. Ok, maybe not, but the idea in my head is that I'm feeling better, and when i get out of bed, it's as if there is a button on the bottom of my feet that trigger my coughing reflex. As long as I lay or sit for long periods of time, these fits don't happen, but once I move, its mayhem at its finest. I used to tell people that I would prefer a fever over a cold, and I'm seconding that emotion. At least with fever, you know your body is working for you. Coughing just feels like my body is rejecting air. Don't I need air? Does blogging about coughing constitute as complaining? I hope not...I just needed to get it out (without upseting my lungs). :)

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